- Margaret Fuller
Docker: The Key to Consistent and Reliable App Deployment
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Docker is quickly becoming one of the most popular tools for app deployment, and for good reason. This powerful platform allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in a consistent and reliable environment, regardless of the underlying infrastructure. Whether you're working on a small, single-page app or a large, complex enterprise system, Docker has the tools and features you need to ensure your app runs smoothly and reliably, every time.
Published at 1/4/2023, 11:51:00 AM
Containers vs VMs? What differs?
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You probably have heard about VMs and Containers. These terms are so widely used nowadays. But what are they actually? And how do they fit into our way of building and architecting applications? Let's talk about it.
Published at 11/22/2022, 6:10:00 AM
GraphQL now and thank me later!
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As a developer, you are constantly faced with the challenge of building APIs that are flexible, efficient, and easy to use. In the past, REST has been the go-to choice for building APIs, but a new player has recently emerged on the scene: GraphQL.
But what is GraphQL, and why has it gained so much popularity in recent years So, let's dive in and see what all the fuss is about!
Published at 9/12/2022, 4:36:00 AM
Does VIM really make you a better developer?
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I've been interested in Vim since 2018. Customizing and tweaking it so that I can find my "perfect" setup had been fun, however it was not easy and never ending process. I even took this as a better way to be a developer. But is it? Did it make me a better developer? And should you take the same path as me?
Published at 8/25/2022, 4:20:00 AM
Feign: Spring RestTemplate Alternatives? [Bahasa]
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So, it's 2022 and I just heard about OpenFeign. Guess I'm a bit late but I gave it a try, and...is it more advantageous than RestTemplate
? Should you use it? Let's find out.
Published at 8/10/2022, 10:56:00 AM
Debezium for CDC : Postgres to Postgres
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Ever wondered how to duplicate your database in real time without pain? There is Change Data Capture which we will combine with Debezium to stream the data changes into Kafka topic and make use of it. This post uses Postgres to Postgres databases for the example.
Published at 7/20/2022, 9:25:00 AM
Using ELK to Get Meaningful Data of Your Log
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Ensuring that the app is always up and running is crucial in this modern era. Monitoring our application performance is one part, but how do you usually do it? In the old days, I would open my SSH, connect to my server, and run tail -f
which is not a thing today.
Published at 7/11/2022, 10:40:00 AM
Better Support Experience with Meaningful Logging
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Do you log? Or do you not?
Logs are an important aspect of software engineering that provide valuable information for understanding and troubleshooting issues within an application. Logs can be used to track and analyze specific events and issues within your system, and can provide valuable insights into the operation and performance of your application.
If that issues occured in your system, have your logging system been good enough to tell you what happened and could it lead you to an effective solving?
Published at 6/21/2022, 8:11:00 AM
Easy and Fast API Delivery with Swagger
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Dokumentasi adalah typical way dalam komunikasi antara backend developer dengan frontend developer mengenai integrasi kedua sistem. Bagaimana sebaiknya dokumentasi dibuat?
Published at 6/3/2022, 8:06:00 AM
Advisory Program 2022 (Chapter 4) - Containerize Your App!
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Tulisan ini adalah bagian dari serangkaian materi dari Advisory Program BCA, untuk source code nya bisa dilihat di sini.
Container has been around and popular nowadays. The benefits of it are inescapable. Let’s try to make our application as a container using Docker. The end result is a Docker image file that we can share and run anywhere!
Published at 5/9/2022, 11:23:00 AM
Advisory Program 2022 (Chapter 3) - Securing Our Application
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Tulisan ini adalah bagian dari serangkaian materi dari Advisory Program BCA, untuk source code nya bisa dilihat di sini.
Aplikasi kita saat ini sudah dapat digunakan, namun semua orang dapat melihat dan mengubah data. Padahal seharusnya, item to-do adalah milik orang per orang. Bagaimana mengatasinya? Pada bagian ini, kita akan menambahkan fungsi autentikasi dan otorisasi pada aplikasi kita, serta melakukan skenario penetration testing sederhana.
Published at 4/3/2022, 11:21:00 AM
Advisory Program 2022 (Chapter 2) - Integrating Frontend & Backend
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Tulisan ini adalah bagian dari serangkaian materi dari Advisory Program BCA, untuk source code nya bisa dilihat di sini.
In Chapter 1, we have successfully created our backend API. Let's make it usable by creating frontend application for the graphical user interface (GUI). The frontend application will be built with Angular as the Javascript framework and Tailwind as the CSS framework.
Published at 3/11/2022, 3:57:00 PM
Advisory Program 2022 (Chapter 1) : Create Your First API
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Tulisan ini adalah bagian dari serangkaian materi dari Advisory Program BCA, untuk source code nya bisa dilihat di sini.
Yo! Fellowdevs, welcome to the program! Pada program ini, kita akan belajar mengenai bagaimana membuat sebuah aplikasi todo sederhana berbasis web yang terdiri dari backend dan frontend dengan menggunakan Spring Boot dan Angular. So, tanpa menunda-nunda lagi, let's start creating our API 💨
Published at 3/4/2022, 7:05:00 AM
Why I'm still using Java in 2022
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Seperti yang fellowdevs baca dari artikel-artikel saya, Java adalah bahasa pemrograman utama yang saya gunakan untuk membuat backend services. Nah, mungkin fellowdevs banyak yang bertanya, kenapa dari banyaknya pilihan platform di luar sana saya menggunakan Java?
Published at 2/2/2022, 7:13:00 AM